MLB: Atlanta Braves at New York Mets

Game Recap April 5: More Rafael Montero than your doctor prescribed

I think we can all agree it’s great that baseball is back. Baseball is wonderful, usually. But last night was one of those times when baseball is not wonderful. Was it really necessary for us to experience the laborious, low-scoring extra inning game that features pitchers like Josh Edgin and Rafael Montero so soon? Can’t […]

MLB: Spring Training-New York Mets at Atlanta Braves

Reviewing the Opening Day Roster

Barring any last-minute disasters, 24 of the 25 Opening Day roster spots have been decided for your 2017 New York Mets. There’s still one single open question–we’ll get two the two pitchers duking it out later on–but most everything seems set in stone for Day One. Feel like reviewing the roster containing the first New York Mets […]

MLB: Spring Training-New York Mets at St. Louis Cardinals

Statistically Projecting Mets Position Player Injuries for 2017 (Part 1)

After the 2010 season, Jeff Zimmerman posted a series of articles on FanGraphs using regression models to try and predict the probability that a starting pitcher would get injured. It makes a lot of sense that he’d focus on pitchers. After all, the saying is “pitchers break.” Yet for the 2016 Mets, “everyone breaks” may […]

MLB: Spring Training-Miami Marlins at New York Mets

Statcast Catch Probability Shows the Mets No (G)Love

With the plethora of outfielders on the New York Mets roster it will be hard to determine who should play where and how much they should play. While Yoenis Cespedes will get the bulk of the time in left field, playing time in center field and right field will likely be shared among Jay Bruce, […]


New York’s Best Real-Life Fantasy Options

When I was a kid, a unique combination of dread and excitement overtook my house each year in early March, culminating in a strange and wonderful night: my dad’s fantasy baseball draft. The lead up involved my dad spending weekend hours on the phone strategizing with his younger brother (and co-manager), which I’m sure annoyed […]

MLB: Atlanta Braves at New York Mets

Everyone Had Surgery

Well that was brutal, if not entirely unexpected. The Mets made a great push toward the playoffs this year, but in the end, there was a bit too much to overcome. Now the real work begins. While the MLB’s other top teams wear themselves out this postseason the Mets can take advantage of the time […]

MLB: Philadelphia Phillies at New York Mets

Game recap September 25: That, my friends, is a blowout

Robert Gsellman impressed with his best appearance yet – eight strikeouts over seven scoreless innings. However, the more notable pitching performances came from the Phillies, whose pitchers combined to hit four batters, walk nine, and allow 14 hits. Emblematic of these struggles, Jose Reyes came to the plate with the bases loaded in four (!) separate […]

MLB: Philadelphia Phillies at New York Mets

Game recap September 24: Close only counts in horseshoes and pre-replay neighborhood plays at second base

When the scoreboard flashed 10-0 in the fourth, some fans thought “no problem, we can come back. We’ve already seen record comebacks this week!” It’s one thing to dream about setting the record for biggest comeback in team history. After Terry Collins took out his four leading hitters, the replace-Mets did more than dream. They brought […]